Online information about alternative medicine is overwhelmingly creduolous and uncritical, and even mainstream media and some medical schools have bought into the hype and failed to ask the hard questions.We provide a much needed "alternative" perspective---the scientific perspective.
Science Based Medicine takes aim at a lot of the so-called treatments like Reiki, Yoga, and accupuncture.
The post, written by a Cancer patient entitled The Harm of Integrative Medicine: A Patient's Perspective, provides a look at the impact of all this experimentation. It's wonderful to hear somebody else voice my concerns. He discusses the feelings of being scamed and conned by his healthcare providers:
....all CAM therapies seemed disconcertingly like medical advice given by Dr Oz to me and as a result felt the need to do a little digging. Though fortunately I was able to recognize the faulty science by consulting medical textbooks and journals, I understand that most people are unabe to do that, which is how they are lured in. Despite discovering the truth, I am still left with the nagging feeling that I was misled and/or lied to by a hospital and medical professionals, which is something that no one should ever have to feel or be concerned about when ill.AMEN!!!! THANK YOU!! It's great to finally hear a voice for the patient. The post is outstanding and covers a lot of important facts which include:
- Many people will forgo traditional treatment and use CAM instead which will lead to their death (he cites actual examples)
- Alternative medicine is costly and can create an unnecessary burden on struggling Cancer patients
- Some of these modalties can actually harm patients (acupuncture increases the risk of infection)
I strongly recommend any concerned Cancer patient and/or their loved ones to read this post before considering alternative modalties. It's written by somebody who has been there and has also done his homework. It's well worth reading.
Thank you Jesse Luke!!!