Saint Peregrine Laziosi
Living in the 1200's, Saint Peregrine was a rebellious heretic who repented and joined the Servite order. He contracted cancer of the leg and was scheduled for an amputation when he was miraculously healed by our Lord in a vision.
Servite's Peregrine Website
This is the official web address of the Order of the Friar Servants of Mary. Here are some of the resources available:
- Leave a petition
- Purchase blessed oil, holy cards and other religious articles: click on "Devotions" at the top of the page and "gifts" is in the drop down menu
- Locate a local St Peregrine shrine in the USA; click on "National Shrine" to find the search page
St Peregrine Shrine
An ministry of Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona, it was founded when they established their perpetual adoration chapel. Cancer patients can obtain these services:
- Prayer Shawl
- Prayer Packet
- They can be featured on the shrine's prayer wall
- Regular intercessory prayer by their cancer ministry
A Martyr who was persecuted for her faith, she was also tortured and imprisoned for refusing the advances of a Roman official. She is the patron of breast cancer patients because her breasts were cut off during this trial
Also known as Lidwina, she is the patron of the chronically ill. After injuring herself in a skating accident she suffered with numerous maladies: chronic ulcers throughout her body, constant vomiting, and insomnia, Despite being bedridden for the last thirty years of her life, she maintained an active prayer life and provided spiritual guidance to many. Here's a video about her: