Simple Tools

Here are some of the coping methods I use to deal with the stresses of my life. Sometimes it's the small things that can make a difference.

1. Set an Intention for a difficult procedure
I know that sounds rather Zen-like but it's just another way of saying that I "offer it up."  When I had my recent surgery I decided that I would offer it to God for my sons. Sadly, they are not practicing their faith and I offered God the suffering in reparation for them. Then when I"m miserable and struggling, I try to remember my intention and it's easier to bear. I have an elderly parent I've also been trying to offer up for as well.  In the Bible the Israelites sacrificed their flocks and I offer God my miseries.

2. View my insomnia as a call to prayer and make a night vigil
I have a long standing problem with insomnia. When it first began I would become agitated and anxious and try to force myself to try to sleep. But then I read a book about monastic practices and it changed things for me. Matins was a part of the life of many monasteries. I've always admired cloistered religious orders and secretly wished I could join them. Later, I attended a night vigil at a local church and decided that being awake at night wasn't such a bad thing. I even found an online community that promotes night vigils. It's called Sacred Heart Nightly Devotion Now when I wake up at 2 AM I grab my rosary and start thinking of who needs my prayers. Ironically, I usually fall asleep after a couple of decades.

3.The 60 Second Ministry
I often feel that I live a rather boring and uneventful life. I've spent the last 25 years raising my family and shortly after my youngest left home I was diagnosed with Cancer. I've had to face the fact that I won't be launching any grand careers. I also dislike all the time I have to "waste" dealing with medical issues. I wish I could be more useful. But then I read Story of a Soul  and realized the importance of the little things. I know it sounds corny but we never know what impact a brief interaction may have. I've decided that when I have to be stuck dealing with medical procedures, I will  be a positive experience to all I meet. I'm not a doormat but I try to make people's day brighter. I'm a former RN and I know how much I appreciated certain patients. Many of them had a real impact on me so I try to do the same.