Reading List


1. A Call to Vigilance (Pastoral Instruction on New Age)
A Bishop's letter explaining the problems with Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness meditation, Reiki, etc

2. LA Times article about Vatican Teaching on Yoga/Eastern Meditation
Pope Benedict issued a pastoral letter about these issues when he was working at the CDF. This letter can be seen here.

3. Women of Grace Article on Yoga
The Women of Grace organization is adamantly opposed to Catholics practicing yoga. This article was written by a former yoga instructor. Check out their many posts on this subject.

4. NYT article: How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body
This is a New York Times article talking about the issue of injuries from Yoga practice.

5.Medical Site Article on Yoga
 The article discusses the issues of physical injury and the religious environment of yoga classes.
6.Yoga: Exercise of Religion or Mere Exercise?
An article from The American Conservative Magazine which discusses two legal cases dealing with that very question

7.Article about Yoga in School lawsuit
This link provides the details of the lawsuit against a public school in California that provided Yoga classes.

8.Yoga Fact Sheet
This is the argument that The National Center for Law & Policy used to make their case about Yoga in schools.

9. Southampton Priest bans Yoga classes
Commentary about a British parish that banned yoga classes

10. What is Yoga? A Catholic Perspective
A four part series blog post written by Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P. that explains the nature of Yoga and it's implications for Catholics

Alternative Medicine Critiques

1. Be Wary of Alternative Health Methods
Quack Watch discusses the alternative medicine field and explains how real medicine works.
2.The Harm of Integrative Medicine: A Patients Perspective
The title says it all.


1. CNS Article: Bishops Condemn Reiki
The Bishops have clearly stated that Reiki is not appropriate for Catholics or any sensible person. The USCCB website also has info on this subject.

2. QuackWatch Article on Reiki
This is an objective evaluation of the claims of Reiki.

3. Science Based Medicine Opinion of Reiki
This group of doctors weighs in on the subject and finds a case of medical fraud.

General New Age Issues

 Catholics and the New Age by Mitch Pacwa
EWTN's Fr. Pacwa's account of his involvement with the New Age.

The New Age Counterfeit by Johnette Benkovic
This book provides a good overview of the philosophies that drive the New Age world. It also has an excellent discussion on Christian prayer.


1. Joy in Suffering: A Novena by Bishop A. A. Noser, S.V.D
This book should be called, "Little Flower 101." It's a series of meditations combined with a Novena

2. Into Your Hands, Father Abandoning Ourselves to the God Who Loves Us by Wilfrid Stinissen
Based on Carmelite spirituality this book teaches about the importance of surrender and abandonment to God.

3..Consoling Thoughts on Sickness And Death by St Francis de Sales (compiled by Rev Pere Huguet)
St Francis shows how to profit and grow from illness.

4.Uniformity with God's Will (St Alphonsus De Liguori) by Thomas W. Tobin, C.S.S.R
This book helped me reorient my thinking about illness and suffering.

5.Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence by Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, S.J.
Another book on letting go and letting God.

6. Fire Within by Thomas Dubay, S.M.
An excellent source on prayer and meditation. It's practical and readable.