- Examine ways that my faith can help me as a Cancer patient
- Provide alternatives to the prevailing use of New Age methodologies in the Cancer world.
What motivates me to blog can best be explained with examples from my own treatment experience. Here's some of the details:
- I received treatment at a nationally known facility in a large East Coast city. My oncologist suggested that I practice Yoga after surgery. My treatment center offers numerous Yoga classes and Reiki. This is a mainstream teaching hospital affiliated with a university. It is NOT an alternative treatment type facility
- Many of the other Cancer treatment centers in my area also offer Yoga, Tai Chi and other New Age modalities. This includes community hospitals, university medical centers.
- Sadly two Catholic hospitals in my region provide Yoga and other questionable practices
- I went to a free standing cancer support community and discovered that they also provided a full menu of New Age options including self-hypnosis
- Many of the books I've read about Cancer survivorship, exercise, and treatment regularly encourage these practices.
- Even the established American Cancer Society has joined the bandwagon
- I personally know of an individual who chose to forgo conventional treatment and use "alternative" methods instead
There has to be a better way.
As a former Registered Nurse, I also know treatment fads when I see it. The medical community is notorious for promoting questionable practices without thinking about the results.
I have a two-thousand year old faith tradition to help me and I intend to walk away from this experience better than I was before.
I have a two-thousand year old faith tradition to help me and I intend to walk away from this experience better than I was before.
So, that's why I've created this blog.