Prayers for Post-op Recovery or Fatigue
There are times when I'm too tired to pray. Utilizing audio and youtube sources makes it a lot easier. Having somebody lead the prayer helps. Here are a few:
This rosary has both audio and visual presentation.
By connecting with our Lord's wounds and suffering I was able to deal with my own surgical wounds.
Here's a youtube presentation of this chaplet:
Stations of the Cross Video:
Youtube is a treasure trove of prayer resources. Simply type in the search bar whatever you are looking for and somebody has usually made a video of it.
Prayers for Times of Trial & Fear
I have had a hard time accepting my diagnosis. I'll be doing okay and then I'll have some sort of set back or bad news. I don't like dealing with doctors and part of me wishes I could go back to my pre-cancer life. What has helped me the most has been two Carmelites:
Therese helps me find meaning in my disease. I often get frustrated and feel it's all a waste of time. She has shown me that my suffering is an opportunity for grace.
I pray to her because she exemplifies the "hidden life." Having a cancer diagnosis has taken me out of the mainstream of life and I doubt I will ever totally go back to what I perceived as a "normal" life. St Teresa has taught me that perhaps this is where God wants me to be. Perhaps my Cancer diagnosis is a call to a contemplative way of life.
One of the best strategies for dealing with fear esp fear of death is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Here's my favorite youtube video;
This is an option when daily mass isn't possible:
When I have nothing to say and I'm totally overwhelmed I just go and sit with God. I say the name "Jesus" to remember I'm not alone. I don't try to accomplish anything but being in his presence always calms me.